French fries, curly fries, papas fritas, chips from Fish and Chips. These are the names of fries all around the world, and we had to eat them all. On Saturday, October 21st, Camryn and Sheyla devoured seven different kinds of fries around Tuscarawas County. And we barely made it out alive. Just kidding. But they did spend four hours driving around and thoroughly judging the fries around their hometown.
Dairy Queen (Ketchup catastrophe) SHEY POV
Let’s just get this started. As a worker, if we asked if a customer needed some ketchup, we’d give them ketchup. Alas, Camryn and I were not given ketchup to sweeten the deal of these strangely mushy, dry fries. They were not terrible, but they most definitely resembled freezer fries. They left an interesting aftertaste that made us regret not buying a drink along with the fries. We realized the unfortunate truth that these fries are only good with Oreo Blizzards.
Detour road trip (we took pics, and now we know what fall is) CAM POV
We were meant to go to Hardy’s after Dairy Queen, but as an inexperienced driver, Sheyla got scared. The anxiety of a left-handed turn on Strasburg’s Wooster Avenue is astronomical. She turned wrong, got lost in an abandoned parking lot, and jumped ship. We were whisked into a magical fall world as the car halted to a slow drive that provided ample time to take pictures. Taylor Swift echoed throughout the vehicle as the open sunroof allowed rays of Sunshine to heat the back of our heads. It was a nice respite from the horror that was to occur.
Freddy’s (where we got the Dr. Pepper, and Camryn nearly devoured all of them) SHEY POV
Camryn needed a cold Dr. Pepper for her throat because she was losing her voice due to Dover’s exciting win against Phila the night before, but her Dr. Pepper was microscopic. The fries at Freddy’s earned no complaints. They were thin but probably the best fries of the day. The delight of them was short-lived when Sheyla dropped them on the ground.
McDonald’s (where I dropped all the Freddy’s fries and got some Southern Sweet Tea) CAM POV
Sheyla’s car almost flew away.
McDonald’s fries are a tried and true staple of the Fry Kingdom. They can almost always make a day better, or at least they made our Fry-venture a little better as we rolled through the drive-thru and ordered a small fry for ourselves and a lovely sweet tea that satiated Sheyla’s thirst from Dairy Queen and her aching throat from the previous night’s chanting within the student section. Yes, you heard it here. Dover High School won the Dover-Phila Football game once more. As we went to park, Sheyla “accidentally” dropped all the Freddy’s fries on the ground. As we laughed through the roiling pain at the sight of our favorite fries falling, we continued to munch on the paper bag of fries. As Sheyla went to clean up her mess, her foot was accidentally on the gas pedal. We thought we might fly into the air at this sound.
KFC(Highest window in the universe’s history)CAMRYN’s POV
The KFC experience was underwhelming as a whole. The window was literally six feet higher than the car window, and Sheyla feared how she would manage to grab the food from the worker. The fries smelled like fish and tasted disgusting. KFC had the worst fries of our adventure, hands down. After this mega disappointment, we had to take a break. We can’t even remember how we made it into a church parking lot to take our pictures of fries and complain. All I remember was Sheyla driving around, Taylor Swift in the background and my minuscule Dr. Pepper as we ventured to Alley Cats.
DETOUR TO ALLEY CATS( Sheyla bought a cat and some shoes) (Sheyla learned that she doesn’t know how to park either)
An Alley Cats detour was a necessity. We wanted to go to this staple in enemy territory.. We had to wait until the rivalry had been lulled to a dull whimper as Dover sat in triumph. So I made a successful left turn and went to find a parking spot. And may I say, Alley Cats has some of the worst parking opportunities I have ever seen. Nervousness gripped me as cars piled and began a line behind me. I hurriedly took one spot or three to allow the remaining vehicles to take their own place. You know what I’m talking about. I parked quickly and horizontally in order to take THREE spots, hoping for the crowd behind me to leave and park. Thankfully, after much deliberation and skill, I took a spot, gave money to the meter, and we waltzed into Alley Cats. I ran to grab a stuffed cat for my brother and then walked around with Camryn. While she came up fruitless, I bought white boots that made me giddy with excitement. Then, as my excitement was dulling down, we went to the most dreaded spot in Phila: the Starbucks exit.
Misstep near Starbucks (I got lost, and we had to go back to the Boulevard instead) SHEYLA POV
Everyone knows that the exit I dubbed “The Starbucks Exit” evokes fear in all drivers of all walks of life. It is an engineer’s nightmare. I have only driven down to this exit a handful of times to procure Starbucks drinks. Never have I done anything else within this exit. As my autopilot took over, I entered the lane to make another horrifying left-hand turn. Our plans were thwarted when we watched Burger King, Arby’s, and Long John Silvers all sitting there mockingly laughing as we sat, defeated in the Denny’s parking lot. While I contemplated my existence and Camryn mocked me, I made a quick turn, and we returned to the Boulevard.
Arby’s (the fries tasted like coffee and ruined my once favorite fry taste) CAM POV
Arby’s was a calm moment in our adventure, as nothing significant happened. The fries, however, were fascinating. We both had agreed that the fries tasted strongly like coffee for some odd reason. They were once Sheyla’s solace from the pain of life. She had created a routine of buying an Arby’s meal with her father on the ten-hour trip to her favorite place: Connecticut, home of Yale. Curly fries were always fun, but the mention of the coffee taste jaded her and Arby’s enterprise.
Burger King (where we met Pooh Bear)(and played Gangnam Style and drank slushies) SHEYLA POV
We were running down to our last dollars. We had to scramble for loose change to buy our previous selection of fries. But we needed some “little treats,” and ordered two small Coke slushies and the saltiest fries on the planet. They nearly put the Red Sea out of business. Thankfully, we were met with a happy older man whose voice resembles Pooh Bear and brought us back to our childhood. But we aren’t children anymore. We are sixteen and seventeen-year-olds with piles of homework and responsibilities that weren’t just dressing up for Halloween. It was a nice break from the monotony of teenage life. We got our slushies and fries and parked in the bowling alley parking lot.

It was painful as Camryn slowly took a picture of the fries. Flecks of salt poured off the box, and we stared in horror at the realization that the salt content rivaled the oceans. So we slowly took the fries, cheered our last fry, and tasted them. Salt. Salt. Salt. It was only salt. That was all I tasted when the song “Gangnam Style” randomly blared in my car. It lightened the mood, and we began laughing due to hysteria. The “Fantasma” had left Mrs. McFerran’s room and entered mi carro (my car).
French fries were always an excellent side dish to any main entree. But having fries as a main meal will not be suggested by Sheyla. But maybe Camryn might disagree. This was an adventure that can be enjoyed by many. It was delightful to Camryn and Sh. They listened to Taylor Swift and laughed until their stomachs cramped. While the girls made observations that were scientific in a way, they also strengthened our friendship one hundredfold.