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The Adaptation Of the Freshman

Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

   How are we as freshmen adapting to high school? That’s a good question because it could be different for everyone. For myself, adapting to the building has been easier because I’ve been in the building for three years already, since the DVA lab is in the high school. However, if I ask other freshmen what it’s like transitioning from middle to high school, I can guarantee their responses will differ from mine.

    High school feels different for everyone. I enjoy coming to school and having a routine. I appreciate getting up early and going to school. Finding my classes was relatively easy. Which I’m grateful for. However, when talking to my friend Sarobbe and asking how she feels about the difference between middle and high school she said, “I feel like the high school is more lively than the middle school. Particularly since the middle school building is falling apart.” Then I asked her how she adapted to the high school in the past couple of weeks and here’s what Sarobbe had to say, “I feel like the first couple of days are rough figuring out where your classes are and your locker combo. You just tend to get mixed up. Now, however, I’m doing a lot better with it.” This is a good representation of how a lot of freshmen feel at high school.

    Even though it’s been an ambiguous transition for all freshmen to high school, we have adapted and coped differently. I try to make my classes as enjoyable for myself as possible. Other ways kids have helped themselves transition is by sitting by a friend or someone they know in class. Another way many kids have coped is by thinking of best-case scenarios and not dreading the class. I’ve seen kids find all kinds of different ways to make a class fun for them. It’s crazy what we can come up with.

    As time has gone on, the freshman class has been finding their place and figuring out the high school routine. For many, it is drastically different from middle school but everyone seems to be settling in well. The freshmen are joining clubs and becoming a part of the school’s politics and sports. We, as freshmen, are now understanding and contributing more of our time to our school work, clubs, and sports. As more time passes, everyone becomes more settled and high school will eventually become our normal just like it is to all the upperclassmen. 

    I can speak for all of the class of 28’, when I say freshmen can be resilient, and we will get used to the school. In my eyes, I believe we’re doing perpetually well, especially considering that we are going from a single-story school to a huge, three-story school.

   So after all that I believe that the freshmen class is adapting to high school pretty well. If we weren’t, I think there would be a freshman or two crying in a corner… but anyways! We have adapted and are finding our place in Dover High School pretty well.


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