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Photo by Alison Linkenhoker
Photo by Alison Linkenhoker

Meet the Cast of Legally Blonde

Have you heard about the Dover High School musical? Throughout the year, students wait excitedly for the musical’s announcement and to find out if they can participate. This year, the musical was announced to be Legally Blonde, a popular musical based on a movie of the same name. This week, I had the pleasure of meeting 16 people in our school’s cast for this production. I asked each person I interviewed five personal questions so you can get to know them better. So, let’s dig in and get to know them all!


The first thing I asked the cast members was who they play in the musical so you can get a feel of where and when they will be on stage. Our main character, Elle Woods, is played by Cadence Mitchell, followed by Rylan Pettay playing Elle’s ex-boyfriend, Warner. We have Allison Carlisle playing Paulette, Elle’s friend and manicurist, and Kylie Charlton playing Vivian Kensington, Warner’s new girlfriend. Next, we have the members of Elle’s “Greek Chorus,” Serena, Margot, and Pilar, played by Laney Gottshall, Peyton Grafe, and Kaylee Simmelink, respectively. Broc Baughman plays Professor Callahan, the strict teacher of Harvard law, while Chutney Wyndham is played by Jackie Deboer. Finally, we have the people playing multiple parts throughout the musical, including Silas Fannin, Taylor Brogan, Brody Warner, Alison Linkenhoker, Nicholas White, Claire Giesey, Nathanael Mason, Zander Ady, and Emily Flood.


The second question I asked was why they wanted to be in the musical, and I got various responses from person to person. Some wanted to be involved because they wanted to experience all that the high school has to offer, while others simply enjoy being a part of the many productions the school puts on each year. One of those individuals was Claire Giesey who said, “Not only do I just love musical theater, but I love participating in the plays and the productions that are put on by Dover High School.” It is clear that everyone in the cast has a passion for theater and enjoys being in the musical. Legally Blonde is a big production, and it is clear that everyone in it loves this musical and finds joy in being on stage. Broc Baughman explained, “I’ve been in the theater program for three years. I love being on stage. It’s become therapeutic to me.” Despite the many different reasons for joining the cast, the members all come together to make a cohesive program that is enjoyable for everyone, and they seem to find themselves coming back to the stage again and again.


My next question for the cast was about what kind of history they have in musical theory. I found that many of them have been in musical theater multiple times before. Kylie Charlton stated, “Actually, I started singing when I was six years old in a talent show at school, and that kind of got my foot in the door because people started to notice me. I had a natural talent for it, so I started doing shows at the library, and eventually, I was doing musicals at the Little Theater and the high school.” They enjoy musical theater a lot and continue to participate in it often. Some of the cast members were already part of a musical before they were doing Legally Blonde, including Allison Carlise and Taylor Brogan, who are also in Emma! A Pop Musical. A lot of the actors in Legally Blonde have participated in shows at the Little Theater like The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Acting is something that many of them enjoy, and this show is one that I believe they will love for years to come.


My fourth question asked if they were enjoying rehearsal and being a part of the show so far, and I got a resounding yes from the interviewees. The cast has rehearsal almost every day after school, and when I was allowed to attend one of these rehearsals, it was obvious that a lot of the cast had bonded with each other. Many of the actors stated that they had not had many rehearsals yet, but I found they had become close with their cast mates quickly. When I asked them, almost every member I interviewed expressed something positive about being around other members of the cast. One such instance was when Jackie Deboer remarked, “I’m glad I can be with my friends and meet new people to connect with.” They all rejoice at being with the other actors and doing the show along with them. Legally Blonde is a very upbeat and empowering show, and every person who participates in it reflects that perfectly.


The final question I asked our cast was, if they could be in any musical, what role would they wish to play? The responses I got were vast. Many different musicals were mentioned, including Little Shop of Horrors, Heathers, High School Musical, and even Frozen the Musical. Kaylee Simmelink remarked, “If we ever did Hairspray, I would love to be Tracy. I also would love to play Belle if we ever did Beauty and the Beast.” These actors love being in and watching musical theater, and they are all the better for it. They each had extensive knowledge of musicals I had never even heard of before, namely Cabaret and Falsettos. Listening to them talk about their favorite musicals made it clear that they do not just love to act, but they also love to see the stories expressed in these shows. musical theatre seems to bring out the passion in them, which is something that I got to see firsthand. It fulfills them and brings both them and their viewers joy.


Meeting the cast over the past week has been an exhilarating experience. Each member was incredibly kind and helpful throughout my time doing these interviews. I’m confident in saying that I wish I would have tried out for the show because these people get such delight in doing this musical. Theatre can be inspiring and help people make connections and branch out in a way they may not have before. I highly suggest going to see the musical this year to see each of the actors, and I hope they have an amazing show this year!


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