Trending Trendy Trends
$4800 Converse
America is being taken by storm with new trends. The clothes you bought at the beginning of summer are no longer cool. Normal water bottles are gone. Call of Duty? Gone. Shopping at non-thrift stores. Nope. The trends of the U.S. are changing, and being happy no longer exists. Well, that’s a lie, happiness still does. But anyway, I’m getting off track, because in this article I am going to bring your attention to some of these current trends that have been sweeping the nation.
THE GAME. THE GAME is a game in which if you so much as think of the game, you lose. Everybody cheats and says they’re never out, but once you’re out you’re allowed to say things or show people stuff to think of the game. However, you aren’t allowed to say directly “Hey, Jimbo. Think about THE game.” That’s law.
Now onto actual new trends. Minecraft has made the biggest comeback ever. Not even fanny packs can compare. Minecraft became the top purchased video game ever just months ago. The game it topped is Tetris, which is only slightly more simple than Minecraft. This series of ones and zeros make a bunch of cubes, and somehow it’s the most entertaining game in existence.
Next, Tik-Tok has taken most teenagers and weird adults under its videos. People enjoy making videos with word bubbles and music over them or just a plain Vine-like video all in an attempt to make people smile and laugh. To be “Tik-Tok famous” is the end goal for all Tik-Tokees.
Thirdly, a game in which people just point their fingers or throwing punches in the air is surprisingly entertaining. The goal is to not look in the direction of the finger or final punch (sets of three punches). First person to win two out of three rounds wins and gains nothing but a bunch of people who were watching jumping around and screaming: “Go stupid, ahhhh, go crazy, ahhhh!”
Another trend is thrifting. Broke students are going out to places like Goodwill and getting cheap aesthetic clothes. The clothes are aesthetic because they’re old. Shoutout to Cole Senter for bringing it into the light for all of Dover High.
To continue, in larger cities, a simple miniature luggage tag labeled “Off-White” along with the name of the shoe or some random words on the side of the shoe can raise its price by as much as $5,500.00. Buy them. Now. Or don’t. It’s up to you.
Finally, Hydroflasks, the useless water bottles. People can spend up to $60 on a water bottle that keeps water cold longer than the Dasani water bottle your little brother found in the middle of the street. People trying to be “aesthetic” like a “VSCO girl” tend to buy these because they can. SKSKSKSKSKSK and I oop-. Also, THE game. Got em

Aaron is a first year Crimsonian member who is involved in soccer, track, Ars Nova, and Dover High's theater productions. He is also the Class of 2022...