Music Departments of DHS
As many know, DHS is home to several notable ensembles. The Band, Choir, and Orchestra of Dover make up a large portion of the student body. The music department has greatly impacted Dover students’ lives. Three members of the talented Crimsonian staff (who are each a respective member of one of the three music departments) have taken the time to develop their thoughts and feelings on his or her own ensemble. So, dear reader, please enjoy the Crimsonian Staff and their journey with music.
Katie Bruno (Orchestra)
Orchestra has been a part of my life since 5th grade. I’m a sophomore now, so I’ve been playing the violin for 6 years. In those years, Mr. Rutter has taught me more about music (and life in general) than any other person has. The whole orchestra is a very accepting bunch. We’ve had people join their senior year and still feel comfortable in the atmosphere. We’ve also had people join in high school who have no past music experience, but this makes no difference to us. String instruments have a unique ability to play quieter than other instruments. There are many different techniques to use with our string instruments. For example, we use a method called pizzicato where we pluck the strings instead of using a bow. The orchestra normally performs 3 times throughout the school year. We have a Halloween concert, a Christmas concert, and a Spring concert. We also have a very talented group of students who participate in the chamber orchestra. The chamber orchestra meets outside of school for practices and performs at local venues. They have yet to perform their musical pieces, but they are in the works. The orchestra program is filled with opportunities to better yourself as a musician.
Aaron Callentine (Choir)
Choir is a haven for those who aren’t wanting to join band or orchestra, but they love music. It is as easy as thinking of something and making it come out. At any time you can just sing. There is no need for a long tuning of the voice. There are three choirs that the school holds, Concert Choir (A mixed group), Women’s Ensemble (An all-female group), and Ars Nova. Ars Nova is the top choir at Dover High School. The group sings for many private and public events. The works that are sung differ in difficulty in each choir. Even with a few weeks of reading music, it becomes easier to do. Choir is a good choice to express yourself through song, but the meaning of each song only goes as far as it is received.
Allie Hisle (Band)
In the music world, there are many different instruments to pick from. You could play a stringed instrument, a woodwind instrument, a brass instrument, a percussion instrument, or the music can come from your voice. No matter what someone plays the passion is just as strong. I joined the band in 5th grade, and each year in middle school band was a learning experience that led to such close relationships with my classmates and my passion for music. Band starts to feel like home because of how kind and welcoming my directors, as well as my classmates, are. I could sit and talk for hours about the way Mr. Carrick and Mr. Redd make me feel that band is somewhere I really belong. Typically, the first day of school, especially high school, can be scary for many people. I was absolutely relieved to finally make it to band class those first few days of freshman year. I was somewhere I felt comfortable.
Marching band is an entirely new experience for a lot of people, and it creates some of the best memories. I have talked to and even become friends with so many people I never would have dreamed I’d be close to. Nothing compares to the feeling of standing in the middle of the turf next to your friends, with lights and hundreds of eyes directed down on you while you perform the music you’ve practiced for weeks. Many people know the marching band because if you live in Dover it’s hard not to hear us at some point. We attend football games every Friday as well as occasional band shows and pep rallies. People who love our community sports events, but aren’t big fans of concerts, will only hear the band in our loudest state. What they are missing out on is the fact that there are some truly talented musicians in the band. The Marching Tornadoes they know and love become two beautiful concert bands with dynamic diversity (dynamic means volume for the non-musician readers). The concert season brings a whole new level of musicality you don’t always see on the field. The band has 3 different instrument families playing together in each of our performances. It’s basically the best of both worlds, adored during football season due to our many loud exciting performances, and complemented during concert season on the more skillful pieces. To sum up my experience in band, I’d say I wouldn’t be the same person if I hadn’t joined. Of course, I’ve learned a lot about music, but I’ve also learned so much about life and my friendships (As well as learning how long I am able to stand still and stare at nothing… standing at attention is boring).
All in all, each music class offers unique and exciting experiences for the students. Once a student joins band, choir, or orchestra, he/she becomes part of a loyal family that the student gets to be a part all throughout highschool. Each of us has been a part of the amazing groups and made unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Truly, we can not express enough how much music has changed our lives.

Allie Hisle is a Junior and second year member of the Crimsonian staff. She is a member of Dover's marching band, jazz band, and steel band. Allie plays...

Katie is a senior and a third-year member of the Crimsonian staff. She is a varsity cheerleader and on the competition team. She participates in orchestra,...

Aaron is a first year Crimsonian member who is involved in soccer, track, Ars Nova, and Dover High's theater productions. He is also the Class of 2022...