Books vs Movies pt. 2

David Finnell, Staff Writer

I want you to think for a second and try to think of all the movies that came out this past year. Now think of all the books that came out. Movies are obviously the superior medium for receiving stories for a multitude of reasons. To start, movies engage two of you five main senses — sight and sound, while books only have words on a page. Visualisation is much better than imagination. While books allow you to let your imagination run wild by providing the opportunity to picture the action in your own mind, movies allow for the much more satisfying experience of seeing it in real life. In movies, a director can show you if a character is sad, happy, angry, etc.; however, in a book, the author has to spell these kinds of things out in a more explicit way. The other experience that books simply cannot provide is audio. Hearing characters voices and the subtle intonation in their voice makes the characters that much more real, and the music used in movies can truly bring a story to life. Recently, movies are bringing in sales in the billions, with a B. This is demand and enthusiasm that is simply not seen in the world of books. Movies are also much more accessible to all people. Even movies with complex themes, nuanced cinematography, and elaborate character arcs can be enjoyed by all viewers. On the other hand, books are not as accessible if said book has complicated uses of language and grammar or convoluted plots. Reading books are an inherently anti-social activity. Besides discussing a book after the fact, it’s rare that there would be any social interaction made by reading. On the other hand, going to the cinema and watching a movie is a fun social opportunity for people of all ages. Also, how can something be enjoyable if teachers are assigning it as homework? When was the last time you saw someone leisurely doing calculus homework? Overall, movies are obviously superior to book for these reasons and many more.