Building a Good Relationship with your Teacher: Why it’s Important and How to Do It

Students will go through a lot during high school. Tests, quizzes and exams are hard enough to study for before adding on at least 6 other classes with the exact same workload. There must be something students can do that can help them out with all of the homework and studying there is to be done. While time management is very important, I have another idea. Students should relish the relationship they hold with their teacher and do their best to maintain the best possible connection. Many teachers main goal is to help their students achieve the most they can. Students need to remember: your teacher is here to help you. It’s okay not to feel comfortable sharing your entire life story with every teacher, but trying to be open about your school struggles and/or achievements can help.
Now what exactly do I mean by “relish the relationship.” Well, here are a couple ways to improve your relationship with a teacher.
Do your homework!
This sounds simple enough right? Doing your homework on time is one of the most important things I can share with you. A student who has always tried the best they can to complete their work is more likely to get extensions on assignments or warrant more understanding from the teacher if something isn’t completed. Not only does completing your homework add to your grade for completion or accuracy checks, but it is meant to help you practice and better understand the material. Completing your homework, even if you don’t know what you’re doing, shows your teacher that you care. At least trying that displays what you do and don’t know, which in turn makes it easier for your teacher to help you catch up.
Participate in class
By participating you are forcing your brain to pay attention, and it may help you retain the material better. Having an active part in the discussion or just being attentive during lecture will have amazing benefits in the end. Paying attention will make it easier to complete your homework and keep you caught up on what’s going on in class. Additionally, it will show your teacher that you care about their class.
Ask for help/Ask questions
After paying attention in class and doing as much of the work as you can, if you’re still confused, it is best to ask questions. Sometimes asking for help from your teacher can clarify something that might have held you back for days had you not asked. Besides the obvious that asking for help will quite literally get you that help, there are other benefits as well. When you take the time to stop and say you’re confused, this will show your teacher that you want to do well in their class. Any teacher that sees a student struggling who actively wants to improve will definitely be willing to help them through it.
Doing your homework, paying attention, and asking questions may seem like obvious solutions that won’t actually help much. While each of these things seems like basic classroom etiquette, they have better uses. Each thing will undoubtedly help you in class with your grades, but also with your teacher. A teacher’s opinion is based on what they see from you in class. Staying on top of things and being present will build a much better relationship than being quiet and not doing work.
All teachers want is to put their students through school and watch them succeed in life. Not every teacher is as accommodating as you could hope and sometimes you have to put in the extra work. It is best to remember that not every teacher is the same, but no matter what communication is key!

Allie Hisle is a Junior and second year member of the Crimsonian staff. She is a member of Dover's marching band, jazz band, and steel band. Allie plays...