Ping Pong Club


Braeden Fitzgerald, Staff Writer

Dover students have access to many different clubs and after school activities, but let me suggest another, ping pong. Why do we not have a ping pong club? After all, ping pong is an Olympic sport that is popular around the world, and one that is enjoyed by many Americans. It has been an Olympic sport since 1988, where it is formally known as table tennis. However, ping pong has been played since the late 19th century. Ping pong is an incredibly fun sport, and players have the potential to become unimaginably skilled. Other clubs, such as the chess club, also fall along the lines of fun and skill. Ping pong might not be considered a worthy sport by some, but then the chess club would have to go too. If there was a ping pong club, it would not be much of a drain on anyone. A ping pong table can be stored easily, as it can usually be taken apart. The paddles and balls can be easily stored in any old cardboard box and stored on a shelf. Multiple games could be held in one room if there were enough tables. Really, ping pong wouldn’t require as much space as other sports, and it would not be affected by bad weather. Again, the only question is: Why haven’t we created this club yet? Come on my fellow peers, what are we waiting for? Let’s make this club a reality!