How Social Media Presence Affects Kids

How Social Media Presence Affects Kids

Social media has had many effects on kids. On the bright side, there are some positive effects. The majority of people choose to focus on the negatives, though, because that is what one automatically thinks of when they hear of social media, like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other communications used by kids. Thankfully, these platforms have been improved and are very useful to communicate with friends and family.
Even though social media is intended for good, it can have negative effects on kids too. For example, when teens are looking at Instagram, or any social media, seeing their friends’ “perfect” life can cause them to have low self-esteem. People often compare themselves to each other and wish they were thinner or prettier. Kiley McIntosh, a freshman at DHS, says “…teens today are so focused on the way each other looks on social media that it makes them feel like they will never be good enough.” In reality, they have probably edited the photos to make the picture better and that picture tends to only highlight the positives of their lives. Nobody would know this though, since it is normal to post only the good parts of life.
On the other hand, social media is used for a good cause as well. Digital communication platforms have made it easier for people to communicate with friends and family. Allie Bonvechio, a freshman at DHS, says “…when you’re working on a school project…you don’t have to email them…you can just send a direct message.” Similarly, instead of sending a letter in the mail or making a long-distance phone call, it is very easy to Facetime or Snapchat because it helps to easily be able to see the other person’s face. These are some easy ways to stay in contact and keep up with close friends or family members. In a developing digital world, social media will continue to prove to be both beneficial and detrimental to teens. Being aware of these effects is key.