WandaVision Early Episodes Review

WandaVision Early Episodes Review (With No Spoilers!)

After hearing WandaVision was soon to be released, I started wondering what the show would be like. I imagined amazing special effects and CGI, along with great acting. I knew that the show would take on some older 60’s tv show ideas and implement them into the show, but I did not know to what extent. Along with this, I was in the dark, having no idea what the show’s main plot and conflict would be.
I was surprised at the simplistic special effect choices. As seen in episode one, when Wanda makes plates fly, there is no magical effect to it, rather a simple flying plate, fitting right in with the main theme of the show. The show did have some good special effects, but it used them to a minimum, which really helped the show.
Onto the main plot of the show, Wanda and Vision are now living in a town called Westview. The show takes on the look and feels of a 60’s sitcom, but it quickly shifts its tone by the end of the first episode. As it progresses through the eras of sitcoms, the tone gradually gets darker and darker, and a mystery is more and more evident. The show’s writing does an excellent job balancing dark tonal shifts and its more lighthearted, more sitcom-like scenes. I personally love the balance between both tones, as the show progressively gets darker and darker, and as Hannah Wells says “I’m excited to see how it incorporates into future marvel releases.”
As for the comedy, it is what you would expect from any sitcom. Cheesy family bonding moments, wacky neighbors, and lots of situational humor. Although there is not much comedy to go around, I still found myself giggling at some dialogue or something a character did. Overall, the occasional comedic moments are funny and do get a few giggles.
Another thing I would like to mention is how the show is taking place at two places at once. As seen in episode four, the two places are connected and both themes and esthetics are completely different from each other, giving the show its air of mystery.
One thing that was a bit of a disappointment was the lack of fight scenes and action. Although, I believe the show makes up for it in more than one ways
In conclusion, the show WandaVision has lived up to all that it was hyped up to be and more. WandaVision is like a turducken, except instead of turkey, chicken, and duck, it is a superhero show, wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in a sitcom, and I love it. The show has so many layers and it is absolutely amazing. I cannot wait to see more of this show.