The Crimsonian is a student-run newspaper created by the Dover High School students in Dover, Ohio. Since 1950, the Crimsonian has been the voice of Dover students. Before being online, the Crimsonian was published in the form of a newspaper and a magazine.
Policy Statement:
The Crimsonian is the student website for Dover High School, 520 Noth Walnut Street, Dover, Ohio 44622. While the student editorial board makes decisions concerning its contents, this publication is subject to prior review. The Crimsonian is dedicated to the presentation and consideration of any and all ideas. Letters to the editor are welcomed and may be published. Letters must be signed, although staff may withhold the name upon request. We reserve the right to edit letters for grammar and clarity, and all letters are subject to laws concerning obscenity, libel, invasion of privacy and disruption of the school process as are all the contents of stories appearing on this website.
Content on this website does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Dover High School faculty or administration.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Sarah Nottingham, Crimsonian Advisor.
Sarah Nottingham – [email protected]
Crimsonian Advisor
Dover High School
520 North Walnut St.
Dover, Ohio 44622